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Autocad basic tutorial 2021.


In this post, we will learn how to configure AutoCAD startup and use some commands.

In this post, we will learn how to configure AutoCAD startup and use some commands.

How to set unit drawing in AutoCAD.

                        We will learn how to draw in units of feet and inches and we will also learn more basic commands for drawing in feet and inches. Then we will use the unit command. Its command is UN. First, you have to choose architecture by type. From here you can choose the desired precision The scale of insertion will be inches and I will maintain this precision because if you click Ok.

How to set unit drawing in AutoCAD.

How to draw a line.

                          Then we draw a line in the legs and click on the inch line. Move your cursor to the first point for a straight line on polar tracking then suppose if I put a number its value will be in inches Suppose I put 20 here and press enter it means it Will be considered as 20 inches. If we want to line up in feet, we will press the foot sign after 20. Its command is L-enter.

How to draw a line.

How to draw the parallel line and use the offset command.

                          Suppose I want to draw a parallel line here. To draw a line parallel to the lines that you have drawn, you have to use the offset command. The offset command for offset is the keyboard shortcut. O+Enter. Has to tell the distance what is the difference between the two objects is 30 and then press enter. Then select the offset object. I want to offset this item. Then move your cursor to the side where you set off. Suppose I want to offset to the right, so move your cursor to this side to offset you. You have to specify the point. Click Now This offset is created at a distance of 30feet Offset command is still running Suppose if I select this line again you can create an offset at a distance of 30 or you can change this value Let's say I'm waiting now. Offset at a distance of 60 so press 60 here and your object is created at a distance of 60. Press this line again. Select this line. Then if you want to offset multi-lines at a distance of 100, you can use this multiple. Click on the option numerous click on your cursor which way you want to offset and click and how many times you have to click on it that you make offset many times and if you want to offset that way So you can also click on this site then you have to stop entering the command press. In this case, you have to enter first and press Enter twice.

How to draw the parallel line and use the offset command.

How to draw a circle and use the offset command.

                    If you want to set the circle off, you will create a circle first. The command to create a circle is C-Enter. Then we will enter the offset command. Then click on the circle as much as the amount of offset. Then we will click inside or outside the circle.

How to draw a circle and use the offset command.

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